Hotline To Report Absences:
Please text your student's absence note to 804-482-0074.
Para enviar una carta de falta:
Por favor mande un mensaje por text a 804-482-0074.
Student Attendances and Absences - School Board Policy 8-2.4
The Importance of Regular School Attendance
It's a fact: Students who attend school regularly learn more and are more successful in school than students who do not. Parents who make regular school attendance a priority also are helping their children learn to accept responsibility, and that’s an important lesson for a successful life. Attendance patterns are formed early in life. Children who develop good attendance habits in the early grades will be more likely to continue them throughout their school career, as well as into their chosen career. Regular attendance is critically important, because students who miss school miss out on carefully planned sequences of instruction. They miss out on active learning experiences and class participation. They miss out on the opportunity to ask questions. As a result, they are more likely to fall behind, and they are more likely to drop out.
- When students are ill and unable to attend school, parents must notify Ms. Jones, Attendance Clerk at (804) 780-5037 or
- Students shall not be absent (excused or unexcused reasons, excluding suspensions) for 18 or more school days per year or 18 class periods.
- Any student who misses 18 or more days of school will not be eligible to receive course credit and/or will be subject to retention.
- A student who misses a class 18 or more times will not pass the class due to a failure to meet the seat hour requirement. Extenuating, documented circumstances will be reviewed by the Principal.
- A waiver for attendance policies may be considered for medical hardships or other very unique circumstances as determined by the Division Superintendent or his designee.
If you see a student out of school between 7:25 am and 2:00 pm, call the RPS Attendance Support Hotline at (804) 780-4646.